
有声图书/Audio Books

Pilgrim Progress - John Bunyan

Pilgrim's Progress is a great work of Christian literature. Originally composed in the 17th century, this spiritual allegory has entertained and delighted innumerous readers for over 300 years. The two parts work together as a unified whole, which describes and depicts the believer's life and struggles.

《荒漠甘泉》- 考门夫人


《活水》- 张家坤着

《每日经历神》Henry T. Blackaby


《静夜亮光》Evening By Evening

是司布真(C.H. Spurgeon)两本著名的灵修作品之一. 每个漆黑的夜晚,在灵修默想寻求神时,轻倚窗扉,仰视祂所陈设的月亮星宿,是多么的美丽,宁静,浩淼与深远。再以恳切寻觅的心灵,来研读本书,求主赐下亮光,如星月之银辉,导引我们的思潮,与主默默的交契。求圣灵的水流,洋溢每颗渴慕的心灵,在永恒的道上,享受与主偕行的甘美。

Divine Inspiration of the Bible - A. W. Pink

This is the audio book of the book "Divine Inspiration of the Bible" by A. W. Pink. There are fourteen mp3 files.

How to Pray - R. A. Torrey

This is the audio book of the book "How To Pray" by R. A. Torrey. There are twelve mp3 files.

Revival Addresses - R. A. Torrey

This is the audio book of the book "Revival Addresses" by R. A. Torrey. There are nine mp3 files.

George Müller Of Bristol - T. Pierson

The story of a man who practiced true faith by caring for thousands of orphans and provided a living demonstration to the believers of his day that God is able to supply the needs of those who give generously to Him.

Heaven: How to get there - D. L. Moody

How can I get to heaven?  Help, encouragement, and definite answers await the reader, as page after page unfolds with the explanation of this exciting place heaven and how we can get there.

Life Of William Carey - George Smith

This is an audio book of 'The Life of William Carey. There are total sixteen mp3 files.

The Mystery of Providence - John Flavel

The greatness of God is a glorious and unsearchable mystery. The condescension of the most high God to men is also a profound mystery. But when both these meet together, they make up a matchless mystery. Here we find the most high God performing all things for a poor distressed creature.

The Fountain of Life - John Flavel

A Display of Christ in His Essential and Mediatorial Glory. Containing forty-two sermons on various texts.

On Loving God - Bernard Clairveaux

What is love? In his text On Loving God, St. Bernard surveys the four types of love that Christians experience as they grow in their relationship with God: loving one's self, selfish love, loving God as God, and loving one's self in God.

The New Life: Words of God for Young Disciples

The New Life is specifically designed for young converts, the text is useful to all Christians. Murray’s chapters cover a variety of different topics that Christians, particularly those new to the faith, will find remarkably helpful.

Prayer and Praying Men - E. M. Bounds

Great men of God in Scripture, such as Paul, Ezra, Moses and Daniel, are the focus as E.M. Bounds demonstrates powerful lessons on the need for effective prayer. God's desire is for men to be on their knees in full subjection to Him.